miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008

The pan in my finger is becoming less significant when compared to a new symptom, which is a skin rash recently affecting my neck. It is expanding towards the breast and the back. I am worried because I do not know what is producing it; perhaps is an allergic reaction. I have decided not to take some of my medicines (those from the alternative treatment) to see if some improvement is happening. I suspect that this is caused by the Vitamin C. I am going to verify it. For those who do not know about my complementary treatment, I was under an additional, alternative treatment with an immunologic doctor, who prescribed me certain doses three times per week of vitamin C). I have stopped having the vitamin and am feeling better, although still not so good there are some small sectors of my affected skin returning to a normal colour.

In parallel I have retaken the energetic medicine from my naturist doctor, who is doing a laser treatment to help the blood circulation of my finger, and prevent the bad effects caused by the corticoids.

I have noticed a small lesion on my gluteus, and although this may be becoming cured, I am still in pain.